lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Justin Bieber shows off the Michael Jackson Moonwalk step


Justin Bieber is facing a challenge of dancing to his friend Jaden Smith, star of The Karate Kid and son of Will Smith, a New York Bowling. 

Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith literalemente excelled in track with your best moves to the beat of the song You make the rain fall, everything was very even but the Canadian singer had one last card. 

Justin Bieber won the match with a spectacular step Moonwalk Michael Jackson immortalized and singer comes out perfect. Apparently this duel has been filmed by the production team of the singer. 

Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith worked together a few months ago in the video for the song Never Say Never, song of the actor's latest film, The Karate Kid.

Willow Smith plans a revenge against Justin Bieber


The singer Will Smith's daughter, Willow, who has sworn revenge on her brother Jaden and tour mate Justin Bieber after they both will play a joke during a show on Sunday 20 March.

Willow Smith and Justin Bieber are making tour together, and after the singer of 'Whip My Hair' trying to play a trick to pop idol week (14 March) ago, this made ​​plans to scare on stage .

Through his Twitter, Justin Bieber said: 'The other day Willow decided to make a joke.TO ME! Well, this is phase 1 of my revenge.Manchester get ready! '.

Justin Bieber and Jaden sported painted faces and slipped on stage while Willow was acting, and now she plans to retaliate. 'Justin and Jaden made ​​me a joke last night ... pay me '.

Friends of Justin Bieber were rejected disco


WORST birthday throughout his life. Singer Justin Bieber had a lousy celebration of his 19 years and will probably never forget the embarrassing moment. His car was fined in the U.S., and not given access to their friends to where would a party.

Cirque Du Soir was where Justin Bieber would arm a big party, and though he himself admitted, was only a moment. She Paige Roberts (17), loving friend of Justin, and Jaden Smith (14) were not admitted because they are both minors.

'Justin Bieber attends Cirque Du Soir, and he and his friends are always welcome, always when group members are legally old to enter the nightclub. This was just a simple issue of control 'spokesman of the club, making it clear that no singer threw.

Selena Gomez went out for dinner with Jaden Smith


Selena Gomez was spotted leaving the restaurant 'Hakkasan' London, with Jaden Smith, who is a great friend of Justin Bieber. Would you will be asked for some advice?

As you can see from the pictures, the singer of 'Come & Get It' trying to hide his face as the son of Will Smith walked in front of her.

The relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber would retomándose, and it is possible that the Canadian would have asked Jaden Smith having a conversation with the singer. What do you think?

Jaden Smith is caught smoking - Photos


Jaden Smith spent the 4th of July party at the beach house of the Kardashian-Jenner family in Malibu, where he chose to relax 'smoking'. Rebellion? Own age? 

The paparazzi managed to capture the son of Will Smith taking a cigarette between his fingers and then direct it to his mouth. These images have not stopped surprising, since the young actor has only 14. 

In related news, Kylie Jenner on Tuesday, alleged conquest of Jaden Smith was spotted on a date with Lil Twist, also a friend of Justin Bieber.

Wife of Will Smith shows enviable toned figure at 41

                                                              Photo: SplashNews                                                                    

There are celebrities who age seems not to cause any havoc or at least help them to be much more vitality.

Jada Pinkett, Will Smith's wife, showed that not go in vain to be photographed in Hawaii with a colorful bikini which revealed a toned and enviable figure.

Jada Pinkett (41 years old) enjoyed a vacation for the Thanksgiving Day in which were also Will Smith and their children Willow and Jaden.

The wife of actor 'Men in Black' occasionally confessed his secret to staying in shape is not eating for pleasure, but responsibly.

'I the only West Indian grandmother who does not cook. She was very poor for cooking and taught me that you do not eat for pleasure but for nourishment. I have had it for years and now as anything that is healthy, "said Jada Pinkett.

Justin Bieber gets advice from Will Smith

                                                   Justin Bieber / Photo: Reference                                                            

Justin Bieber has not had a good week in London, problems with paparazzi are sick and therefore it would be seeking help from Will Smith, with whom he had a pleasant chat.

'Cariños for the great Will Smith for the great conversation yesterday. We know the truth and we must remain high. I love you friend, thank you, "wrote the singer on Twitter.

Justin Bieber and Will Smith are great friends, like the actor's son, Jaden, who has even sung some songs.

Will Smith new movie filmed in Argentina

                                                          Photo: Reference                                                                      

Will Smith and is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina where filmed her new movie 'Focus'. The actor arrived on a private plane to Ezeiza airport and went straight to stay at The Mansion Hotel.

This film is directed by Glenn Ficarra and Johan Requa, Will Smith will play the role of a con man who reunites with a rookie colleague who falls in love, when you plan a big hit in Buenos Aires, during a Formula 1 race.

According to a local newspaper has learned that the shooting of 'Focus' start Monday in the locations of Ezeiza, then continue in the downtown area, where there will be a traffic diversion for the shooting of the film can be developed without any problem.

Will Smith Justin Bieber defends criticism

                                                  Justin Bieber / Photo: Teen Vogue                                                    

Will Smith gave a radio interview in which he was asked his opinion about the behavior of Justin Bieber on social networks. Obviously, the actor pulled face by her son's friend Jaden.

'There are things that are simple and normal for a boy of 19. In fact when I was 19 there was Twitter, the things I was doing could keep private. No one had camera phones' assured 'Capital FM'.

Justin Bieber was quick to thank Will Smith for his words and just sent him a message via Twitter. 'Will Smith is the best! @ officialJaden you you're great too :) "he wrote.

Remember that Will Smith has already provided advice to Justin Bieber. Surely it is also supporting after the scandal of the drugs found in his tour bus.                                      

Will Smith does not approve relationship between your child and less of the Kardashian

                                Will Smith, Jaden Smith and Kylie Jenner / Photo: Reference                                    

It appears that the popular Will Smith would not agree to anything your child out with Jade Smith's younger sister Kim Kardashin, Kylie Jenner.

And is that Will Smith would not agree with the life exposed as having Kim Karda shian's family before the media. In an interview remembered 'Prince of Rap' cut to Jade Smith when asked about his relationship with Kylie Jenner and Kardashian said:

"For our family, all our life, our home and our relationships, must be oriented to find our happiness. Fame is almost unimportant in that we want. Try to do great things while having fun and also try to improve ourselves every day. So the idea of ​​seeking fame or trying to appear as much as possible in the media is sometimes even uncomfortable for us', he referred the actor referring to the Kardashian family.

Will Smith confesses that she wants another baby with his wife

                                                                Photo: Reference                                                                    

With rumors of an alleged divorce because of infidelity, Will Smith said he wanted to have another child with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith
Through their Facebook account, the public actor who had the desire to be a father again. 'Our baby turns 13 today. There is no longer toddlers in the house ... I think Jada pregnancy today. '
This message was abundantly clear that there is no separation in sight and alleged infidelity photos Will Smith, are part of an informal photo session of a movie.

Justin Bieber and Will Smith breaks record Instagram

                                                                 Photo: Instagram                                                                  

Justin Bieber and Will Smith have achieved a unique record. And is that a photo on Instagram, where both appear, has been the most popular of the year, because it is the image that most 'likes' wins.

The singer of 'Baby' has 12 million followers on his Instagram account so every time you publish something has enough impact. And when he shared a photo taken with Will Smith once had 61,223 1.4989.552 comments and likes. And the most used hashtag was # love.

As you know, Will Smith and Justin Bieber have a good relationship. The artist has chosen the faithful counselor pop idol and has even gone to visit him at his house several times.

Will Smith would be devastated by the death of Uncle Phil

                                                                  Foto: Referencial                                                                      

Uncle Phil's death has saddened all the fans and those who are not, for 'The Prince of Rap'. Especially those who were part of this series, such as Will Smith, who would be totally distressed by the death of the actor.

According to a source said Breathecast, Will Smith would be devastated right now. 'Will was with his family when he was told the news, working with James was a big part of the life of Will Smith. In fact, James was kind of like a father figure to him. Will is devastated by the death, sorely missed James'.

Will Smith would not be the only one who would have considered James Avery, a second father. Actor Alfonso Ribeiro, who played Carlton ', also expressed his sadness all indicating that the actor was like a second father figure.

Will Smith government touching message for death of James Avery

                                                             Photo: Facebook                                                                          

Will Smith ruled after the death of James Avery, who played 'Uncle Phil' in 'The Prince of Rap', five days of the unfortunate news.

'Some of my greatest lessons in acting, living and being a respectable human, came through James Avery. All youth need a 'Uncle Phil'. Rest in peace, "the actor posted on his Facebook page.

Will Smith feels devastated by the tremendous loss of James Avery, who was also like a second father to Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton Banks).

Amber Rose's face is tattooed Wiz Khalifa


Actress and model Amber Rose, the face of her fiance Wiz Khalifa tattooed on his arm to show the great love and happiness you have been given that after giving birth to her first son Sebastian "The Bash" Taylor Thomaz , on 21 February.

The new mom shared a photo on his Instagram account, showing a close-up of your new tattoo. In the description of the photograph wrote: "True Love Cam and Amb", referring to their names.

Apparently the birth of the first child of the couple, has only brought more binding relationship since March 1 Rose made ​​a tweet in which he said: "A year that proposed to me ago, two years ago I met the love of my life, and a week since our little one was born. Wiz Khalifa Happy Anniversary, I love you. "

Jencarlos Canela, moved by the death of Monica Spear

Jencarlos Canela , who starred in Forbidden Passion ( Telemundo ) Monica Spear , reacted with grief at the news of his death.

Canela told via telephone to program a new day on Tuesday that the phone rang in the morning while he was recording in the studio. When I got the news of the death of his colleague, said : " I have the heart to million, a pain in the chest that can not explain.

"I had the pleasure of meeting Monica, to share with her , discover the great human being he was. Their daughter Maya ... think ... do not even know what to say. Otherwise I 'd never met a person so hard to live and as a lover of life .

"It was an extremely intelligent, courageous woman , a great friend and a woman who loved his country . People told him , do not you go to Los Angeles ... She told you ' I love my country , love my people ' then, to think like this ... I have so many emotions inside, do not know what to tell you . "

Cinnamon, who is married to Venezuelan Gaby Espino added that " it hurts immensely what is happening there. To be able to take the life of someone wanting to take something ."

Nicki Minaj publishes provocative photo on Instagram

                                                         Photo: Instagram                                                                              

Nicki Minaj always to surprising and this time was no exception. The singer posted a sexy photo where leaves little to the imagination, just see the picture to know what we mean.

True to form, the singer of 'Super Bass' again appeared topless. This time Nicki decided to hang the photo on his Instagram account but she wanted everyone to see, were his new Hello Kitty slippers. 'Hello Kitty pantuflitas' wrote as the title of the image.

This is not the first time Nicki Minaj surprises us with provocative photos so how are you, since apparently loves posing topless, flashing the temperature in social networks.

Lil Wayne

                                                            Photo: Reference                                                                      

Apparently the stork would be hovering over the world of music. These two singers, who would be next to have a baby. Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne could write a new story as parents. Yes, just as it sounds.
Both singers have been constantly coming at different times, leading an almost informal relationship and having nothing serious between them. What would hesitate to Lil Payne about his alleged paternity and if these rumors are actually true.
According to some sources revealed Atlanta Daily World, the singer of 'Super Bass' has been seen acting in a very unusual way. Also attended a local celebrating with a glass of wine, but filled with water. What is really suspicious to people who know her. Which would make them think Nicki Minaj is pregnant, as has been sporting a 'paunch'.

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj released some very strange photos where the fingers and touches her breast sucks on his Instagram account.

In one image, the singer of 'Super Bass' appears touching her left breast and just can see his mouth ajar. In another image, she is seen licking his fingers with very sexual way.

Last year, Nicki Minaj released a series of provocative images that appeared with breasts outdoors and wearing a thong.

Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber

                                    Selena Gómez y Justin Bieber / Foto: Referencial                                                    

Selena Gomez force her alleged boyfriend Justin Bieber get psychological help. A source told Yahoo that the pop artist still loves him, but if not get therapy soon, tomararía measures definitely hurt your relationship.

The source added that the actress and singer Selena Gomez is a girl raised with good values ​​and behavior, while her boyfriend appear to be otherwise. 'Justin needs help with his behavior soon, "said the singer would. 

Recently, Selena Gomez would have been in delicate health as the disease treated. However the behavior of Justin Bieber, could not fail to bring problems to his alleged courtship

Justin Bieber

                                     Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber / Photo: Instagram                                          

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have occupied the front by a conversation in which attacks are read, supposedly leaked after police from seizing Canadian cell. That is why the representative of 'Selly' Jill Fritzo clarified that messages broadcast by 'Radar Online' are false. 

With the fake conversation ensured that 'Biebs' insisted to his ex-girlfriend to resume their relationship and even' sends a picture of his erect penis. "In addition, it was noted that the actress, tired of the insistence and profanity singer, calling him 'junkie' and asked to go to rehab. 

Although Selena Gomez and representative clarified that the conversation was invented, is expected to Justin Bieber manager or refer the case for added peace of 'Beliebers'.

Miley Cyrus

                                  Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber y Selena Gómez / Foto: Referencial...

Miley Cyrus is a celebrity more approving of the relationship Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez as a source revealed to the magazine 'Heat'. 

'Miley has had a long chat with Selena at the Britney Spears concert in Las Vegas, and told her she should give him another chance to Justin. She has been trying to unite since finishing 'said the insider. 

Meanwhile, there remains doubt whether Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have resumed their relationship. But now that the two walk unemployed have used in turn to see on more than one occasion.

Selena y Justin

                                         Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez / Photo: Reference

One would think that being a famous young artist Selena Gomez has a crowd of suitors at her feet, however, the reality is that Selena has not been having much luck in the field of love. 

According Selena Gomez has many guys are left intimidated by his fame, for that reason, 'Selly' Katy Perry asked for advice about what to do and so that men do not feel so intimidated and to attract them. 

'I spoke with Katy Perry about the guys who get intimidated by successful women. I have not yet found someone who understands my lifestyle, I support him and love on that and not feel threatened that 'Selena Gomez account. 

'Yes I think I scared some kids, because I always say' I want to change the world!I have dreams! What do you do? '. But only I know how to be, "he added. Do you think Selena Gomez arrives to find the ideal man someday?


Justin Bieber was arrested this morning for driving drunk and under the influence of marijuana, also acknowledged having used anti-anxiety pills. The singer is already being tried in Miami, after spending a few hours in jail. 

The Canadian drove a yellow Lamborghini, which also used to compete against a red Ferrari, which was driven by his friend Khalil Sharieff. Both are on trial at this time. 

Justin Bieber will spend eight hours in jail and have to pay a security deposit, the more so because his driver's license had expired six months ago.

Justin Bieber

                                                            Photo: Reference

' They were running two sports cars in a residential area of ​​Miami Beach and the officers arrested their drivers one Justin Bieber, that driving under the influence of alcohol , "said Bob Hernandez, police detective in this city.

At the moment the ex boyfriend Selena Gomez in custody Miami Beach Police and is being processed, the agent said .

After the breath test result was positive , so the Canadian singer will face several charges and appear before a judge. It is still unknown who will be your lawyer and when submit the application for bail .

The Canadian singer was at the agents ' incoherent , hands in his pockets and did not have a valid driving license , " said the police chief of Miami Beach, Raymond Martinez.

The TMZ website dedicated to the show , said Justin Bieber was out of a club this morning and drove a yellow Lamborghini when police arrested him also 'Justin wore a passenger in your self a model

Justin Bieber

Before being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs - and even worse, do illegal races - Justin Bieber was accompanied by a beautiful girl in his Lamborghini. 

As reported, the lady who was with Justin Bieber has been identified as a model who Chantel Jeffries biography by Twitter's 'animal lover'. 

In addition to Justin Bieber, was also arrested Khalil Sharief, a close friend 'Biebs' who were participating in these dangerous street activities.

Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber was on everyone's lips yesterday (January 23) for his arrest and continued detention because he was drunk and drugged driving. While the Canadian remained imprisoned for his crime, Selena Gomez enjoyed a beautiful morning in San Fernando, Los Angeles. 

Ironic but true. Even the singer smiling forehead showed the paparazzi, who photographed her self addressed after buying cigarettes, does she smoke? 

Selena Gomez has not confirmed her relationship with Justin Bieber but after the latest scandal, we doubt she decides to resume the media romance.

Justin Bieber

                                                              Justin Bieber/ Twitter 

More than 13,000 people have signed a petition to the White House to deport aJustin Bieber , who is on bail on Thursday for driving too fast and under the influence of alcohol and other substances in Miami.

' We the people of the United States, feel that we are not well represented in the world of pop culture. We like to see the dangerous, foolish , destructive drug user Justin Bieber deported and their residence permit revoked ' , mentions the note recorded in the section of petitions from citizens of the website of the White House, We The People.

' It is not only a threat to the safety of our people , but it is also a bad influence on our youth. We the people , we want the cantantesalga of our society , 'he added in the letter.

A team from the White House study requests that meet the required number of signatures and comply with the rules , and then decide which agency to give a formal claim against Justin Bieber response.

Susana Diaz / Netjoven

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014