lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Will Smith does not approve relationship between your child and less of the Kardashian

                                Will Smith, Jaden Smith and Kylie Jenner / Photo: Reference                                    

It appears that the popular Will Smith would not agree to anything your child out with Jade Smith's younger sister Kim Kardashin, Kylie Jenner.

And is that Will Smith would not agree with the life exposed as having Kim Karda shian's family before the media. In an interview remembered 'Prince of Rap' cut to Jade Smith when asked about his relationship with Kylie Jenner and Kardashian said:

"For our family, all our life, our home and our relationships, must be oriented to find our happiness. Fame is almost unimportant in that we want. Try to do great things while having fun and also try to improve ourselves every day. So the idea of ​​seeking fame or trying to appear as much as possible in the media is sometimes even uncomfortable for us', he referred the actor referring to the Kardashian family.

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